Porcelain Dental Veneers
Dental Veneers and Bonding together can give an aesthetic look to your face. Veneer is a thin
shell of porcelain that is bonded to the teeth. They enable you to change the color, shape, and
alignment of your teeth. Bonding, typically, is used to describe a method of adding tooth-colored
filling material to teeth in the front of the mouth. It is applied to the tooth, sculpted to an ideal
shape, hardened and then polished to a natural looking luster. Ideally, both these processes are
applied at a time to reshape and beautify your teeth, thereby giving an aesthetic look to your
Dental veneers treatment are done for a variety of conditions such as uneven spaces or gaps,
worn or chipped teeth, stained or discolored teeth, misshapen teeth, teeth that are too small
or too large, crooked teeth etc. They are more durable and effective. An additional advantage
of Veneers is that they are a more conservative procedure than crowns. On the other hand,
Bonding is done with composite resins to close gaps to fix chipped teeth, to cover discoloration
and to replace the traditional silver fillings in front or back teeth. Bonding can be done for
decayed teeth, spaces or gaps, broken or chipped teeth, stained or discolored teeth, with or
without anesthesia with minimal or no discomfort.
Dental Veneers are custom made to each individual. Unlike crowns, veneers require minimal
tooth surface for removal from teeth. Veneers are translucent, so when they are bonded onto a
tooth’s surface, they mimic the light-handling characteristics of enamel. Veneers resist staining.
On the other hand, the bonding procedure is a quick and ideal way to correct minor flaws,
cracks or areas of discoloration. Cosmetic bonding restores the tooth’s natural look.
If you are dissatisfied with your smile, then please visit Dr Anna Gasparova who
has successfully applied the Dental Veneers and Bonding process on various dentistry patients.
Dr. Anna Gasparova has vast experience and expertise in the field
of cosmetic and aesthetic dentistry. Transform your stained yellow chipped edges of teeth to a
white and straight shape via Custom Veneers in our practice. The color, shape and size of your
teeth can be changed through custom veneers and bonding at this highly equipped practice.
At our practice, we provide Layering technique for bonding procedures.
Custom aesthetic bonding of black fillings to white, via Porcelain Inlay, is beautifully done at
our practice. Our cosmetic dentistry practice makes use of the latest technology
and techniques to give our dentistry patients outstanding results.